Wednesday, July 31, 2013

nobody perfect.

"Sesungguhnya aku sedang menasihati kamu, 
bukanlah bererti akulah yang terbaik dalam kalangan kamu.
Bukan juga yang paling soleh dalam kalangan kamu, 
kerana aku juga pernah melampaui batas untuk diri sendiri. 
Seandainya seseorang itu hanya dapat menyampaikan dakwah apabila dia sempurna, 
nescaya tidak akan ada pendakwah. Maka akan jadi sikitlah orang yang memberi peringatan." 

- [Imam Hasan Al-Basri]

zombie land


Kembali menjadi zombie T_____________T

I'm not strong enough.

Terlalu banyak kekhilafan diri.

Sudah berpalingkah aku ? *tumbuk cili padi gune lesung batu

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Covering your aurah is compulsory in islam.

However don't look down to those who are not covering their aurah coz maybe one day they will be much better than you.

Just pray for them instead of cursing them. Kan ?

Notakaki : Saya jugak still in learning process untuk menjaga aurat saya. Doakan saya supaya menjadi muslimah yang lebih baik. Sebab saya tahu saya tak cukup kuat untuk melawan hawa nafsu sendiri dan jugak godaan syaitan. Sesungguhnya saya adalah insan yang tersangat lemah T____________T

Sunday, March 17, 2013

living abroad.

Living abroad is not about where you are, it's about who you are.

Living abroad tu tak seindah yang disangka. Nobody knows what we suffered here and no one really cares what happened to us. Is it ? Nope. Statement tu salah sebab still ade orang yang care towards us. Kan?

 Living abroad means that we have to move outside the comfort zone. Awak ingat benda tu senang? It's too hard actually. Sometimes we will feel lonely, down, stress and almost give up. Terasa hidup macam dalam dunia yang asing especially when locals look down on us.

But it's okay then. Coz I know we have to lose something precious to gain something priceless. As saying goes "you can't have a rainbow without a little rain"

Okay, rase mcm emotional. Continue later.......

Friday, March 15, 2013

Pantun Arwah Opah

Hitam hitam manggis

Putih putih bangau

Hitam hitam manis

Putih putih panau

Pandainye opah berpantun. Hee. Rindunye kat arwah atok and arwah opah. 

Teringat zaman kanak2. Pagi2 atok anta gi tadika nek basikal tua then bile weekend teman opah gi pasar beli barang basah. Kitorang selalu lepak kat bilik atok sbb nak dengar atok share cite pasal zaman jepun dulu. Then atok selalu pesan jangan tinggal solat.   

I miss them lotsa :') 

Semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat. Al-fatihah.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Allah knows better than you.

But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. 

Thus, you have to be optimistic person. Bear in mind everything happens for a reason, dengan kehendak Allah. One day it will make sense to you, insyaAllah. ;)) 

Thus, let's pray to Allah and ask for His help coz He is the best listener.

Good night. Time for sleep. 
*Nak belajar tido awal sbb nak bangun subuh awal. 



Kenape JERNIH?

Coz it's the meaning of my name. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


My feveret author.
She's really talented.
Her writing really inspired me to be a better muslimah. I mean lotsaaa!
Quotes dye yang semua sangaaaaaaaaaat best. My feveret quote ever "A man that decides to change on the 12th hour dies on the 11th"

okay, tak de idea nak tulis ape. tapi nak post jugak. jap gi kalau de idea nak sambung lg pasal hlovate. hee


Hati kosong

Jiwa kosong

Hidup kosong

Sebab ape ? _____________________

You know the answer. So, pls la bangun dari lena yang panjang.